Thursday, November 26, 2009

Come unto Christ


My son is quite competitive. Not sure where he gets it, it must be from his Mom. One day I showed up late to a T-ball game he had. As I walked by him his team was in the field. I sat down on the third base line and asked, "buddy how are we doing?" He said that Dad were only behind 13-0. Payt you don't seemed too discouraged that you are losing so bad. He said Dad, "Why would we be discouraged, we haven't even been up to bat yet!" Through our children we can learn valuable lessons. That lesson of Optimism is same I'd like to speak on today.

Brothers and Sisters today we live in troubled times. The anxiety & heartache of the daily situations we find ourselves are very heavy. My message today is one of Hope, Faith and Optimism. The hope, faith and optimism we can find only through Jesus Christ and His Gospel. I know of no other way for us to succeed or to be safe amid life’s many pitfalls and problems. I know of no other way for us to carry our burdens, but through Jesus Christ.

He said it in the beginning of His ministry, and He said it in the end. He said it to believers, and He said it to people who were not so sure. He said to everyone, whatever their personal problems might be:

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls

In this promise, that first phrase, “come unto me,” is crucial. It is the key to the peace and rest we seek.

Moroni gives us a wake-up call with his last words. (Moroni 10:24). His message is direct, clear, and unapologetic: Awake, come unto Christ, deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and I’ll see you at the judgment bar (Moroni 10:31–34).

So how does one “come unto Christ” in response to this constant invitation?

Surf Story.

We searched and searched for this famed surf spot. To our disapointment, we could see what the people had talked about. Disappointed that our efforts resulted in only a long walk, we headed back up the jungle path. The next day to our surprise there was a local surf competition not 50 feet from where we had walked.

We were in the right place, we had done what we had been told. But, our eyes had not been opened. We couldn’t see what was so plainly in our site.

Brothers and Sisters, sometimes I feel that life is the same way. We feel like we are doing the right things, we obey directions and work hard towards a certain outcome. Only to fall short because we did not have someone there to bridge the gap. I'd like to suggest three simple things that if applied, will let Christ into our lives and help us bridge the spiritual gaps we may have.


The easiest comes simply with the DESIRE of our heart, the most basic form of faith that we know.

Alma says, “If ye can no more than desire to believe,”exercising just “a particle of faith,” giving even a small place for the promises of God to find a home—that is enough to begin. That simple step is the first step out of despair.

Second, we must change.

We must change anything we can that may be part of the problem. I’m certain not everything we struggle with is a result of our actions. Often it is the result of the actions of others, or just the mortal events of life. But anything we can change we should change, and we must forgive the rest. In this way we access the Savior’s Atonement and He will take it from there.

As a young missionary in Venezuela, I had an experience that embodies both Faith and repentance. On a hot afternoon and after much rejection we felt impressed to walk down a specific street.

Let me read an excerpt from my mission journal: Well I found my mission bound boyz!! We felt impressed to track a certain street and we found these young men. Each of them have definetley had troubled pasts. Yonny’s parents died when he was young and he is one of the strongest people I’ve met. He has battled adversity from a very young age. Danny and Eduanil also have had it rough. However, I've never found 3 teenagers more interested in learning the Gospel. They ask well thought out questions and are definitely chosen of the Lord. These kids have a Great desire to serve the Lord. They were bound to serve missions, I just know it. I'm so glad the Lord blessed us with the opportunity to find them.”

What is interesting to note, is I spoke from this same pulpit 11 years ago about their wonderful conversion. Update on them Danny Yonny y Eduanil. All three served wonderful missions and were married in the Temple. Currently, Eduanil is the Stake Young Mens President, Danny is a branch President in a small town outside the City and Yonny has been the Bishop for the past 3 years in the same ward which he was baptized in.

Third, in as many ways as possible we try to take upon us His identity and name.

That name is formally bestowed by covenant in the saving ordinances of the gospel. Starting with baptism and concluding with temple covenants. With many others, such as partaking of the sacrament and baptisms for the dead, as additional blessings and reminders.

There is NO better way to Come unto Christ, than to partake of His blessings in His holy house.

Following these most basic principles will open up our lives to Christ. We will fee of his love and Atonement in our lives.

I testify that the Savior’s Atonement lifts from us not only the burden of our sins but also the burden of our disappointments and sorrows, our heartaches and our despair. Thinking about the great cost of the Atonement, I promise you He is not going to turn His back on us now.

When He says to the poor in spirit, “Come unto me,” He means He knows the way out, He knows it because He has walked it. He knows the way because He is the way.

If you are lonely, please know you can find comfort. If you are discouraged, please know you can find hope. If you are poor in spirit, please know you can be strengthened.

See It Through

by Edgar A. Guest

When you're up against a trouble,
Meet it squarely, face to face;
Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
Plant your feet and take a brace.
When it's vain to try to dodge it,
Do the best that you can do;
You may fail, but you may conquer,
See it through!

Black may be the clouds about you
And your future may seem grim,
But don't let your nerve desert you;
Keep yourself in fighting trim.
If the worse is bound to happen,
Spite of all that you can do,
Running from it will not save you,
See it through!

Even hope may seem but futile,
When with troubles you're beset,
But remember you are facing
Just what other men have met.
You may fail, but fall still fighting;
Don't give up, whate'er you do;
Eyes front, head high to the finish.
See it through! I know that Christ in the personal to help us “See it through”. He is the person that will bridge the spiritual gaps in our lives. He is in the details of your lives. He is mindful of our daily struggles. He loves us and will support us through our trials.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homeward Bound

I've tried recently to have a daily meditation time. Easiest for me, is my drive to work in the morning. I treat the inside of my car as a sanctuary and the time to concentrate on the more important aspects of life. Either conference talks or motab plays through the speakers, it helps invite the spirit. This morning as the song "Homeward bound" started to play, I couldn't help but think of Grandpa Moulton. Todd & Jill sang this song at his funeral a few years back. My mind drifted to the sweet experiences I had with that great man. As the spirit and these memories flooded my mind I realized I was crying, and seemed to be elevated to a different place. Really back to the memories and examples I was given. He loved unconditionally, he was not a respecter of persons, lived the law of the harvest, unquenchable desire to learn from the scriptures & loved his wife. At one point I turned to see if Grandpa was sitting next to me. Although he wasn't, I know his spirit is manifest in our family and I'm grateful for that. I believe he is a ministering angel to me and my family when we are down. Sarah has felt it, I have felt it. This is special to me because I don't have that example in my life. Sometimes I feel as if I am the pioneer. I'm grateful that my children can draw on their ancestry for strength as this world becomes increasingly difficult to be in.

Inital thoughts

To think I've turned to the blogging world is a tad embarrassing. The purpose to compose my thoughts and experiences in place that only I can see. I've enjoyed the insight of Sarah's blog and been able to peek into her soul. The hope is that she may do the same, as well as one day, maybe my posterity.