Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homeward Bound

I've tried recently to have a daily meditation time. Easiest for me, is my drive to work in the morning. I treat the inside of my car as a sanctuary and the time to concentrate on the more important aspects of life. Either conference talks or motab plays through the speakers, it helps invite the spirit. This morning as the song "Homeward bound" started to play, I couldn't help but think of Grandpa Moulton. Todd & Jill sang this song at his funeral a few years back. My mind drifted to the sweet experiences I had with that great man. As the spirit and these memories flooded my mind I realized I was crying, and seemed to be elevated to a different place. Really back to the memories and examples I was given. He loved unconditionally, he was not a respecter of persons, lived the law of the harvest, unquenchable desire to learn from the scriptures & loved his wife. At one point I turned to see if Grandpa was sitting next to me. Although he wasn't, I know his spirit is manifest in our family and I'm grateful for that. I believe he is a ministering angel to me and my family when we are down. Sarah has felt it, I have felt it. This is special to me because I don't have that example in my life. Sometimes I feel as if I am the pioneer. I'm grateful that my children can draw on their ancestry for strength as this world becomes increasingly difficult to be in.

Inital thoughts

To think I've turned to the blogging world is a tad embarrassing. The purpose to compose my thoughts and experiences in place that only I can see. I've enjoyed the insight of Sarah's blog and been able to peek into her soul. The hope is that she may do the same, as well as one day, maybe my posterity.